Corporate movies
Communication Service of the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV)
For one year, between 2015 and 2016, I worked at the Communication Service of the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV).
You can watch some movies that I have edited there.
- SMUR, by Philippe Gétaz
The Service Mobile d’Urgence et de Réanimation (SMUR) is a medical back-up for emergencies before hospitalization and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The SMUR is different because it provides a doctor whereas a regular ambulance only includes nurses. It is never called alone and acts as a medical support for ambulance workers when the situation is serious
- 240 hours, 48 lives – surgical chronicles in Abomey, by Géraldine Rod
Since 35 years, the Department of children and teenager surgery of the CHUV works with the hospital of Zou and Collines in Benin and Terres des hommes to deal with western African children.
- The jobs of an operating room, by Géraldine Rod
There are several jobs in the operating room. Four employees of the Lausanne Hospital have opened the doors of their world to us.