Contemporary dance video
Cartography n.11
2012, 9min10
Watch the movie:
11 choreographies, 11 locations, 9 film makers
Cartographies is a project that was lead by Philippe Saire from 2002 to 2012 as a series of 11 “performances” throughout the city of Lausanne, Switzerland.
The aim was to search for new ways of printing bodies on landscapes and create fresh identities for urban spaces. Dance comes out of its usual places and meets the public in everyday spaces and situations.
In order to keep a permanent record of these ephemeral interventions in the cityscape, the work was filmed by film makers – Lionel Baier, Fernand Melgar, Bruno Deville, Kamal Musale, Pierre-Yves Borgeaud, Massimo Furlan, Mario del Curto, Alain Margot and Philippe Saire himself.
The videos have already been widely spread around the world, in festivals and cinemas.
Location : Escaliers du Parc de Valency
Length : 9’10
Choregraphy : Philippe Saire en collaboration avec les danseurs
Direction, caméra : Lionel Baier
Dansers : Philippe Chosson, Benjamin Kahn, Antonio Montanile
Editing : Félix Sandri
Postproduction sound and video : Laurent Kempf
Musique: Moby, Shot in the Back of th Head (ambient)
Costumes : Tania d’Ambrogio
Régie : Yann Serez
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